Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sooo what if the world that we know looked at the church and said, "Wow They are amazing, loving giving serving people. They have something different. They seem to love Jesus and each other. They serve the needy and don't seem to be as affected by the problems of this world like  I am." Now we know the world and the church will always be full of imperfect people.  I heard it best described one time this way.."The church is a hospital for the sick not a podium for the saints."  Lately I have been struggling.  I know the best thing Jesus left behind to continue His work was the church.  I know what we are supposed to do and be. Its tough to look at our world and Its perception of the church( & Jesus) and not get a little dismayed at what has happened to the message and life of Jesus that we are supposed to be showing.  I also know great things that are happening in the church .Working at one  I get to see changed lives ,needs met and people being loved all the time. So If this is all true why do we see culture rejecting Jesus because of the church.

 I also wonder if  I am part of the problem.......
 I wonder if the church( people and organization) is part of the problem.....

I wonder why we as Christians feel the need to engage in culture wars.
I wonder why we take political sides  that may be contrary to Jesus teachings and examples. ( both "sides")
I wonder why we have made cultural ideas cannon.. ie.. retirement, money, security, marriage, spiritual practices, isolating our kids, no risk living, etc....
I wonder why we think American brand of Christianity is somehow more sacred than any other in history.
 I wonder why we only get spiritually fed from church or pastors.
 I wonder why we try to put our values onto a society that doesn't know Jesus..
 I wonder why we put such importance on issues like homosexuality vrs other issues.
 I wonder why kids who grow up in the church cant tell me why they  believe in jesus message.
 I wonder why church kids don't know their dads.
 I wonder why people believe Christianity is a list of dos and donts.
 I wonder why Christians have reduced their faith to dos and donts.
 I wonder why we think Christian living is black and white in a world full of grey.
 I wonder why Jesus didn't give a ton of answers.
 I wonder why we turn grey things of the Bible into Black and White.
 I wonder why we don't ponder the mysteries of theology, and be ok with things that cant be answered.
 I wonder why good people dont read their Bible.
I wonder why SOOOO many Christians fell they cant share their faith.
I wonder why we are a culture obsessed with sex.
 I wonder why dads don't lead their family's
 I wonder why couples don't lead their families
I wonder why God  doesn't come back now.
 I wonder if Ill be surprised at whos in Heaven.
I wonder why marriages get on cruise control.
I wonder why this week I don't have a single night at home.
I wonder why I haven't read the Bible to my own kids in months.
I wonder why our kids haven't learned about God from their parents.
 I wonder why we think this World, Country, Church and God owe us anything.
 I wonder why we buy into this world and are comfortable.
I wonder why  I worry about dumb stuff all the time.
 I wonder why I fall into sin..even stupid easily avoidable ones.
 I wonder how its possible to meet and counsel soo many lonely people, including me if Im honest.
 I wonder why I worry soo much
 I wonder why My identity is soo wrapped up in what  I do and whom I'm around rather than in Jesus.
  I wonder what things I have bought into that aren't in Scripture or of God.
 Iwonder why I mwriting this instead of snuggling with my kids as they fall asleep.
 I wonder how many teachable moments in my kids lives, my life and the lives  I impact  that I have missed out of busyness and worry.

WHAT IF  ................
 I stopped worrying about everything.
 I served others more.
 I left unscheduled time as a big part of my day.
I kept my kids from being too busy with good things.
I had dinner with my family more.
I didnt buy into the idol of busyness and teach/show my kids that.
I built more relationships with people who dont like church.
I had no fear in sharing the gospel.
 I didn't worry about the future.
I focused on the gospel rather than cultural issues
 I stop worrying about money
I stop worrying about my kids
 I told my wife how amazing she is everyday.
 I took time to stare at the stars and have time to WONDER about God with My family.
 I read the bible to my kids more.
Held children and spent time with them.
Invited a Zaccheus to dinner
I was honest and told my kids how imperfect I am.
Got to know someone who is gay
Hung out at a bar.
Met peoples needs  physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Lived selflessly
Actually knew my neighbors well
Was willing to give up everything...including my kids if God chose to take them.
Lived every moment by Loving God and serving/loving others
 I knew and lived the freedom that the gospel brings, rather than worry if  Im doing it right or looked to to do it right.
People wanted to be like me because Im like Him.

What if the church  (people):

Loved gay people, divorced people, homeless people, hard people, angry people,wallmart people, rich people, politicians, moms, dads, families, neighbors.
Was seen as the place where caring happens.
Didnt claim to have all the answers but the main one.
Admitted to being imperfect .
Wasn't obsessed with sex.
Wasnt obsessed with preference in "services"
Went to "church" together.
Equipped families to have their own strong faith.
Gave generously to the point of sacrifice.
Had strong relationships.
Had time just to dwell together.
Couldn't wait to get together again.
Met all the needs of every person in their body
Viewed all as equals no matter social or economic station.
Was an irresistibly draw to their community and the world.
Had time to read and talk and discuss Scripture together.
Lived 24/7 with the gospel of Jesus being lived and spread.

What if the World......

Saw the church as the only reasonable answer to life becasue of Jesus in them

Knew and desired Jesus by what they saw in the church.

Was loved and served by the church.

Desired Jesus because of me!!

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